Archive for the ‘Videos’ Category


SFIV Fight Pad Unboxing Video

May 6, 2010

More like vacuum plastic than a box…

I finally got a charger replacement for my camera that I’ve been waiting a couple of weeks for and thought I’d shoot something with it.

I recently purchased a new controller to play around with on Super Street Fighter IV. I suck on the normal 360 controllers and don’t want to fork out £70 for an arcade stick so this was the next best thing.

The video isn’t perfect. The audio’s a little off but its watchable and needed something to make sure Sony Vegas was working properly.

Anyway enough jibber jabber, here’s the result:

Later I’ll post my thoughts on how well it performs (or how badly I can play Street Fighter). I’ll also take a look at using it for a few XBLA games too.


Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Review

March 17, 2010

When Company just got Bad… In a Battlefield…

Battlefield: Bad Company was different. Not just its explosive destructible environment or because it was set in modern times. It was different in a way that it had such a refreshing story. A group of regular soldiers stumble upon some gold in a few creates in the middle of a war zone and realise there’s more to this war than politics. They band together and decide “Sod the war let’s try to get rich”, just like in the movie Kelly’s Heroes.

So the story’s not really anything new, but it’s much better than the usual over done ‘Stop the End of the World’ kind of screenplay.

It was one of the single players best features that it didn’t really take it self too serious and was just full of comedy. Which in my opinion is the best way the Battlefield series should be.

Shame the same can’t be said about Bad Company’s sequel.

This time around they seemed to of taken a step back for single player. The pure lack of story around the squad is what I found most annoying.
The way the story was written was no way near the same amount of detail as the first game. Bad Company’s story had a voice over of the character you portrayed who would talk during cut scenes about his feelings about joining a new squad as a replacement. It introduced you to the squad that by the end they became your band of brothers. They were written in a way which made them seem to bond with one another which added such comradery to the squad. Just the little things like Haggard & Sweetwater would complain about events happening as they unfolded as you progressed. They would both have little rock, paper, scissor battles and Haggard would go on about when he becomes rich he’d buy a Truckasaurus Rex.

Not once in the sequel is any of this mentioned. It’s as if who ever wrote the story & script never even bothered playing the first one. Sure they have a few chuckles when giving digs at Modern Warfare 2, but it’s not on par with the production values of the first. You have to finish a battle, stand still for up to twenty seconds before your squad catches up and say anything.

Even the latest trailer seems to have more in common with Bad Company than the sequel.

During the campaign you never really feel connected to a squad. Most of the time they would not seem to be there with you or actually be two steps behind. Same can be said about the enemy AI. They would aimlessly run around the environment and just aim straight at you and fire, they didn’t seem to run for cover and just became a bullet sponge to fire at.

It seems like Battlefield is going back to its old ways of adding single player far later in the development phase. That’s not to say the multiplayer isn’t awesome, but I still love my dose of single player. Not just to pass the time and to boost achievements.

The cut scenes seem to have been an added after thought too. Many scenes seem unfinished or just unpolished. For example, many facial animations would clip through the body armour or just not look right when holding an item. Even the musical score seems added on as filler. Many scenes would have a dramatic moment and at the last second add the audio cue missing the moment entirely.
The pacing of levels would seem messed up too. You would start the level with a cut scene, then walk a few feet would then start another cut scene. It’s not just once or twice, its more or less after every cut scene and became quite tiresome.

Lack of co-op in this era is still quite frustrating. Especially that most if not all but one level of the campaign has at least another friendly.

But that’s getting too picky now.

Or is it?

I’m sure it’s not in many ways because it’s more or less the industry standard now. I think it would have added that little bit more to it. The same could have been said about Borderlands, adding co-op added more life to the game.

The multiplayer however is a totally different story.

It adds much more on top of what was already a decent online shooter. It seems much more refined and adds more depth than most shooters which is refreshing. After the usual Battlefield launch teething issues with servers (or lack of), its safe to say Bad Company 2’s multiplayer is what Dice have been working none stop around the clock to get right. Everything from the maps, vehicles & weapons, to the slow & steady pacing  amount of unlock items you receive when ranking up. It’s all the little extras and refinements which makes it a much more enjoyable battlefield.

The way things are unlocked are not as fast and as common as they are on Modern Warfare. At times you would unlock too much stuff at once and not have any idea what to do with them, but on Bad Company 2 you get just the right amount of unlocks to get used to as you advance up the ranks. The multiplayer maps are well balanced too and with Frostbite Destruction 2.0 no sniper is safe for long in a building that is now fully collapse-able. It’s such a great thrill when you can’t get anywhere near the objective because the place is flooded with enemies. You just get in a tank and just blow up the building crushing all those inside!

The thing that I always come away with after playing is how much the audio really adds to the game. It’s by far one of the best I’ve heard since Half-Life 2. It seems to have such depth. It’s not just the closer the weapon, the louder it sounds. It’s the whole amount of bass from an assault rifles thunder-cracker from the other side of the map is just such shock & awesome! It adds a sort of echoing effect and ricochets all around adding much more sense of scale to the maps. With a 5.1 set-up all the channels are working overtime to allow you to hear the snap, crackle & pop as bullets fly past your head. It’s truly is fantastic!

You can also hear players shouting orders & reconnaissance when they spot enemies. Even hearing the enemy’s last yelp in the distance as you hit them with a sniper rifle. It’s all portrayed perfectly.

To sum things up Bad Company 2 is a great in-depth multiplayer experience which is a must have for any shooter fans or previous battlefield veterans alike. Just don’t expect the 6 hour or so single player campaign to make you keep going back for more, its defiantly a multiplayer orientated game.

So overall Battlefield: Bad Company 2 is a fantastic addition to the franchise and narrows the gap between consoles and Pc because it’s nearly, if not as fantastic as Battlefield 2 was back in the day. It’s defiantly one of the best multiplayer games of this generation and will hopefully only be a glimpse of what Battlefield 3 has to offer.


New Modern Warfare 2 Trailer

May 25, 2009


Finally! After weeks of waiting! AWESOME!

After getting teased by Infinity Ward and Activision twice, we now get the full trailer to Modern Warfare 2.

Revealing little story bits and showing a vast amount of different locations you’ll be fighting in to find the latest Terrorists!

It shows lots of new weapons and lots of different kind of missions, from stealthy infiltration to all out ‘Get out before it Blows!’ scenarios.

BEWARE: This trailer shows the end of Call of Duty 4!

This trailer is also available on Xbox LIVE Marketplace in HD.

Modern Warfare 2 is due for release worldwide on 10th November 2009. Expect to see more at E3 in just over a weeks time.

Not so much Snow in this trailer!


Bad Company 2 Multiplayer Cinematic

May 22, 2009

Bad Company 2

There’s More Gold in them there Hills!

DICE have just released a new Cinematic for Battlefield: Bad Company 2.

It shows more Snow and more of the usual Battlefield Hectic Action! It also shows the defibrillators are back for Medics and Black Hawks from Battlefield 2 and also.

This is one of them trailers you show a friend, all the carnage and fun there is in a Battlefield game.

Battlefield: Bad Company 2 is due for release this fall on Xbox 360, Playstation 3 and finally for the PC.

Snow seems to be the new Modern Warfare Battleground!


New Modern Warfare 2 Footage Released

May 22, 2009


Modern Warfare 2 = More Guns + More Explosions!

As promised on Monday, Infinity Ward have released a new teaser for their next teaser that’s coming on Sunday!

The video on Sunday is going to be a teaser for the E3 trailer, but is going to be a little longer than the footage has been so far, but even seeing a split second of Modern Warfare 2 just makes anyone excited!

Here’s the new footage courtesy of

Modern Warfare 2 is scheduled for release on 10th November 2009

Bring on E3!


Alien Vs. Predator Announcement Trailer + Info

May 20, 2009


Hunter, Survivor, Prey… Which will you be?!….The one in the corner peeing their pants!

Sega has officially announced some details on Rebellion’s Aliens vs. Predator.

The game will feature 3 Campaign stories featuring 1 for each species, Alien, Predator and UNSC Human Colonial Marine. All 3 stories are going to be intertwined with one another in someway.

The game is also going to feature 3 way species multiplayer battles.

Which will you be? Well here’s a run down on the story to help you decide!

The Single player is set on planet BG-386, where a colonist mining group discovers an ancient pyramid containing a dark and horrible secret. Across the stars a race of warriors is alerted to the discovery of their pyramid and a hunting party is dispatched to ensure that it remains sealed at all costs, whilst deep inside the ruined pyramid a malevolent intelligence awakes from centuries of dormancy.

The Marine’s story is an incredible fight against the odds, and the horrors lurking in the dark. Beset on all sides yet armed to the teeth, the Colonial Marine represents humanity’s last stand with the firepower to fight back.

As the Alien, players will discover what it’s like to be the most murderous and lethal creature in the universe, with the ability to traverse any surface with awesome agility in order to get close enough to unleash its deadly teeth and claws.

A master of the hunt, the Predator grants the player a suite of exotic weaponry and equipment with which to stalk its unknowing prey. Earn the greatest honour by ambushing prey up-close and butchering them for a gory trophy kill.

Jason Kingsley, CEO and Creative Director at Rebellion:

The original Aliens vs. Predator game was a landmark title for Rebellion, and we are both proud and excited to be revisiting the license with SEGA and Fox L&M.

Our new technology will enable us to produce a truly terrifying and visceral experience.

Also speaking about the franchise, Gary Rosenfeld, Senior Vice President, New Media for Fox Licensing:

Aliens vs. Predator is a powerful franchise for Fox and provides endless possibilities in the interactive space.

SEGA and Rebellion have created an excellent gaming experience that will help this legacy live on.

Here’s the announcement trailer you’ve been waiting for:

Expect to see more info at E3, hopefully lots of in game action too!

Alien Vs. Predator is scheduled for release on Xbox 360, Playstation3 and PC in early 2010.

let the battle of the species begin!


Terminator Salvation Launch Trailer

May 18, 2009

Terminator Endo Skeleton

Hasta la Vista, Launch Baby!

The final trailer for Terminator Salvation has just been released.

It’s probably one of the first Movie tie-in games I’ve ever been excited to play!

I’ll be back, with something soon!


Meet The Spy

May 17, 2009


Intruder Alert! Intruder Alert! Spy is in the Base!

This morning sees that The Spy has leaked this video onto the Internet before it was due out. Some say it was on Valve’s Youtube page, but was quickly taken down.

So is this some Spy Trickery?

Who knows!

But this video is the best ‘Meet The…’ Video so far!

The Medic and the Pyro are the only videos left to be touched, will they be any better?

Only time will tell, but if the Scout’s Mum is the Pyro? I’m sure it they could do something!

I wish they’d make a movie!

Although the Team Fortress Comics that are coming will have to do for now!

The Spy/Sniper Update is due to be released sometime next week.

So listen up boy, or pornography starring your mother will be the second worst thing that happens to you today.


Sims Trek: A Sims 3 Trailer

May 16, 2009


Red Shirts Will Die!

EA have just released a new trailer for The Sims 3.

It shows off what can be done using their new ‘Movie Tools’ feature.

It looks awesome, and even features the language of Simlish:

The Sims 3 is scheduled for release on 5th June on PC.

It’s all a bit Simsh to me!


Mass Effect 2 Pre-E3 Trailer

May 16, 2009

Mass Effect 2

The E3 Hype Train Keeps on Rolling!

BioWare have just released the following video for there upcoming sequel Mass Effect 2.

They talk about how the game’s shaping up and how E3 will reveal all about Commander Sheppards supposed death.

Prelude to E3:

Mass Effect 2 is scheduled for release in March 2010 on Xbox 360 and Pc.

Finally New Weapons instead of just re-coloured ones!