Archive for July, 2010


This Weeks Happenings…

July 10, 2010

I’ve had such a Retro Pc Gaming week!

I’ve not played on the Pc in the past few years really. My Pc spec hasn’t been great and there have just been too many decent 360/Ps3 games to play instead.
But this month saw the release of a huge update to Counter-Strike: Source so I thought I’d have a dabble.
Since then I’ve played pretty much nothing but Pc games! Just how I used to back in the good old days before Xbox: LIVE.

Anyway after blasting through a few rounds of Counter-Strike, the AWESOME Steam sale started!

I thought why not have a browse and purchase some good old games.
So after a few hours of pondering I purchased the ‘id Software Super Pack’.
22 of the all time great games from the company that pretty much invented Death-match and put the FPS Genre on the map!
In the pack features DooM, Quake, and Commander ‘Frickin’ Keen! =D

The next day I was just having a mooch around town and found some golden oldies in a local charity shop.

I found an old classic big box copy of Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun and its expansion pack Firestorm. and also in there was Star Wars: Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight.
All together it came to less than a fiver & the boxes are in mint condition!
I miss the ye olde cardboard boxes…
C&C: Tiberian Sun is my fave C&C of all time. I think it was just the right style of strategy for me to play around with and has such cool and interesting tech designs.

Anyway I thought that would pretty much be the end of my spending spree, but another day passed and Steam had yet another awesome sale.

I was oohing and ahhing whether or not to get it because I’ve already got it and finished it on 360 and got through about half of the Ps3 version at launch.
Then a good friend of mine gifted me a copy because he bought the friendly 4 pack which worked out a little cheaper and had a spare copy. So more Pc Fun!

That’s a lot of games in a good couple of days and thought that would be all…

Then yet again came another day and another tempting offer. The ‘THQ Complete pack’ which features 21 games, from all of the Red Factions, Saints Row 2, Every Dawn of War, and the fantastic Full Spectrum Warrior!

I also found Shadowrun on Pc for £2 in HMv. That copy has been there since it came out and it kept being reduced in price but was never picked up. Every time I was in there I always checked the price and slowly but surely it came down. last month it was at £7 and I nearly got it then but left it.

I’m glad I waited now!

After all that I also purchased World of Goo and received a free week World of Warcraft so I thought its been a few years so why not…

So for once in a looong time, I’m back in touch with the good old Pc!

Thanks to Dawn of War II, I also hit 50,000 GamerScore on my 360 profile!

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