Archive for February, 2010


It’s been a while old friend!

February 24, 2010

Wow has it really been that long?

I’ve been thinking about posting on here since I stopped many months ago, but never really got the chance to do it. I’d either been too busy or just too tired to just sit down and write-up something.

If I’d want to write about a game, by the time I’d played it, there’d be something newer to play and write about. Especially with the money situation (or lack of) lately.

But within the next few months hopefully something will spark off a new and exciting point in my life.

Anyway I thought I’d start doing a few rambles every now and then whether it be a bout new games, old games or just anything in general really. It wont be as hourly updated as my previous stuff, but that’s just because I just don’t have the time at the moment, maybe when I get my own website up and running… One day! =]

This weekend just passed, I was at a little get together with a few friends and brought our gaming rigs round and we played some games. We haven’t really played Pc games together properly for about 5 years or so. It’s as if console gaming really took off with us and sort of left the Pc to gather dust within its complex chip set. But this weekend I really saw how much I really missed it. The experience of playing a fan made mod, or a few hours of Counter-Strike, It really brought it all back! To think Counter-Strike is 10 years old now and yet here we were playing it and had just as much fun than playing the latest version of Modern Warfare.

We had a few games of C&C: Generals, scoffed the odd pizza and just played though all sorts of things just as if it was 1999 again.

It was fantastic to play some of the old stuff again, although seeing some outright brilliant mods having empty servers, or The Specialists with just some random role-playing server where everyone was just stood around and there avatars stood next to each other talking. This mod was supposed to be an action game diving off walls in slo-mo with dual weapons not stood around talking…. (Go play Second Life!) If you shot at someone it would earn you and instant ban. I’ve never seen anything like it. It was crazy!

This weekend also introduced a friend to Pc gaming who had really played more Halo than Counter-Strike. Showing him the vast modding world of Half-Life and Source etc.

We showed him mods like Suicide Survival which puts Plants Vs. Gardeners in all out Garden Warfare. It sounds odd when reading the description, but there’s no other experience currently on consoles where you are a plant hidden amongst 100 other identical looking plants and getting the timing just right to explode killing a passing gardener that was trying  to hunt you down.

It’s just so awesome!

Ever since then I’ve had a real urge to get my Pc back up to scratch again because it’s been a fair few years since I’ve updated its little innards. I really hope somewhere along the way Pc gaming takes off again.

I like how I don’t have to update consoles every few months, but Pc games are always cheaper more customisable and with steam I don’t ever have to leave the house or keep hold of the forever getting scratched discs. Although I’m a real sucker for all the Special Collector Editions and with steam you can’t really get the free swag which I hope changes one day! (Bring back HL2:Gold Edition!).

So some good games followed by some great memories, but will Pc gaming ever be revived in my life again?

Only time will tell.

I hope so! =]